
The Real Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali!

Muhammad Ali born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., January 17, 1942 – June 3, 2016) was an American professional boxer. Early in his career, Ali was known for being an inspiring, controversial and polarizing figure both inside and outside the boxing ring.  - Wikipedia

How great was Clay/Ali? Certainly one of the best but the greatest? I don't think he would have beaten Joe Lewis or Rocky Marciano. There is at least a possible chance that the fight in which he beat Sonny Liston was rigged but not by him...


What one boxing enthusiast think might have happened had Rocky met Ali when they both were in their prime.

Rocky talks about the good things Ali is doing for the sport & the not so good things.

At a time when most fighters let their managers do the talking, Ali, inspired by professional wrestler "Gorgeous" George Wagner, thrived in—and indeed craved—the spotlight, where he was often provocative and outlandish. He controlled most press conferences and interviews, and spoke freely on issues unrelated to boxing. Ali transformed the role and image of the African American athlete in America by his embrace of racial pride and his willingness to antagonize the white establishment in doing so. In the words of writer Joyce Carol Oates, he was one of the few athletes in any sport to "define the terms of his public reputation". He was honored at later Olympic Games when tasked with lighting the flame at one and bearing the flag at another.    - Wikipedia

When America called on Ali to serve his country - Ali unlike Elvis & Ted Williams turned his back on his country during a time of great need. Then he turned his back on the One True God of the Bible & of America's Forefathers & embraced Islam - thus influencing others at this time in a similar manner.

Unless by some miracle, Ali rejected Islam on his deathbed & turned to Jesus - he is lost forever & will not sadly & unfortunately be in Heaven...

Goodbye Ali!

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