Thought For The OPEN Mind - Humor From American Culture!
First Published In The Last Century - July 26, 1997!
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thought reflection study pondering exercitation of the intellect cogitation lucubration head work exercise of the intellect consideration speculation brain work intellection meditation deliberation cerebration EXPAND Other adjectives related to thought alembicated deep lost in thought philosophastering catoptric idiotropic meditative philosophical cogitabund in the mind museful platonic contemplative introspective pensive reflective EXPAND More words related to thought apprehension noun. understanding awareness comprehension grasp idea intellect intelligence judgment ken knowledge notion perception perspicacity thought attention noun. concentration absorption application assiduity consideration contemplation debate deliberation diligence engrossment heed heedfulness immersion industry intentness mind scrutiny study thinking thought thoughtfulness calculation noun. forethought canniness caution circumspection contrivance deliberation discretion foresight planning precaution prudence thought caprice noun. sudden change of behavior bee caper changeableness contrariety crotchet fad fancy fickleness fitfulness fool notion freak gag humor impulse inconsistency inconstancy jerk kink mood notion peculiarity perversity put on quirk rib temper thought vagary vein whim whimsy care noun. carefulness, attention to detail alertness caution circumspection concentration concern conscientiousness consideration diligence direction discrimination effort enthusiasm exactness exertion fastidiousness forethought heed interest management meticulousness nicety pains particularity precaution prudence regard scrupulousness solicitude thought trouble vigilance wariness watchfulness concept noun. idea abstraction apprehension approach big idea brain wave brainchild conceit conception conceptualization consideration fool notion hypothesis image impression intellection notion perception slant supposition theory More words related to thought conception noun. understanding; idea apperception appreciation apprehension clue cogitating cognition communing comprehension conceit concentrating concept consideration considering deliberating design dreaming envisaging explanation exposition fancy fancying image imagining impression inkling intellection interpretation meditating meditation mental grasp musing notion perception philosophizing picture plan realization representation speculating speculation thought version consideration noun. mental analysis application attention cogitation concentration contemplation debate deliberation discussion examination forethought heed reflection regard review scrutiny study thinking thought consideration noun. concern; something mentally examined development difficulty emergency estate evidence exigency extent factor fancy idea incident issue items judgment magnitude minutiae notion occasion occurrence particulars perplexity plan point problem proposal puzzle scope situation state thought trouble content noun. essence, meaning burden composition constitution gist idea matter significance subject subject matter substance text thought deduction noun. conclusion, understanding answer assumption cogitation concluding consequence consideration contemplation corollary deliberation derivation finding illation inference inferring judgment meditation mulling musing opinion pondering ratiocination reasoning reflection result rumination sequitur speculation thinking thought design noun. intention action aim angle animus big picture brainchild child conation conspiracy deliberation end enterprise game plan gimmick goal intendment intrigue lay of the land machination meaning notion object objective picture pitch plan play plot point project proposition purport purpose recipe reflection scenario scene schema scheme setup story target thinking thought trick undertaking view volition what's cooking will dream noun. illusion, vision bubble castle in the air chimera daydream delusion fancy fantasy hallucination head trip idea image imagination impression incubus mental picture nightmare pie in the sky pipe dream rainbow reverie specter speculation thought trance vagary wraith estimate noun. approximate calculation; educated guess appraisal appraisement assay assessment ballpark figure belief conclusion conjecture estimation evaluation gauging guess guesstimate impression judgment measure measurement mensuration opinion point of view projection rating reckoning sizing up stock surmise survey thought valuation fancy noun. impulse, urge caprice conceit conception contrariness creation cup of tea desire druthers flash fool's paradise groove humor idea image imagination impression inclination irrationality liking mind notion perverseness pleasure thing thought vagary velleity visualization weakness for whim will words related to thought feeling noun. idea, impression apprehension belief consciousness conviction eye hunch inclination inkling instinct mind notion opinion outlook persuasion point of view presentiment reaction sense sentiment suspicion thought view head noun. ability, intelligence aptitude aptness bent brains capacity faculty flair genius gift intellect knack mentality mind talent thought turn understanding hunch noun. feeling, idea anticipation apprehension auguration augury boding clue expectation feeling in one's bones foreboding forecast foreknowledge forewarning forewisdom funny feeling glimmer hint impression inkling instinct intuition misgiving notion omination portent preapprehension precognition preconceived notion premonition prenotation prenotice presage presagement prescience presentiment qualm suspicion thought idea noun. something understood, planned, or aim approximation belief believed abstraction brainstorm clue concept conception conclusion conviction design doctrine end essence estimate fancy feeling flash form guess hint hypothesis import impression inkling intention interpretation intimation judgment meaning notion object objective opinion pattern perception plan purpose reason scheme sense significance solution suggestion suspicion teaching theory thought understanding view viewpoint image noun. concept apprehension conceit conception construct figure idea impression intellection mental picture notion perception phantasm thought trope vision imagination noun. power to create in one's mind acuteness artistry awareness chimera cognition conception creation creative thought creativity enterprise fabrication fancy fantasy flight of fancy idea ideality illusion image imagery ingenuity insight inspiration intelligence invention inventiveness mental agility notion originality perceptibility realization resourcefulness sally supposition thought thoughtfulness unreality verve vision visualization wit wittiness impression noun. feeling, idea apprehension belief conceit concept conception conjecture conviction fancy feel hunch image inkling intellection memory notion opinion perception recollection sensation sense supposition suspicion theory thought view impulse noun. drive, resolve actuation appeal bent caprice catalyst desire disposition excitant extemporization fancy feeling flash goad hunch impellent impulsion incitation incitement inclination influence inspiration instinct itch lash lust mind motivation motive notion passion spontaneity spur thought urge vagary whim whimsy wish yen inspiration noun. idea, stimulus afflatus animus approach arousal awakening brainchild brainstorm creativity deep think elevation encouragement enthusiasm exaltation fancy flash genius hunch illumination impulse incentive inflatus influence insight motivation motive muse notion revelation rumble spark spur stimulation thought vision whim
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